What Sauce Goes with Camembert? (11 Sauces)

Cheese lovers rejoice!

This blog post is all about theĀ best sauces to serve with camembert.

Camembert is a soft, creamy cheese that pairs well with a variety of sauces.

Whether you are looking for a savory sauce to serve with crackers or bread, or a sweet sauce to drizzle over fruit, I’ve got you covered.

I’m sharing 11 of the best sauces for camembert including balsamic reduction, honey mustard, cranberry sauce, and more.

So grab a wheel of camembert and get ready to dive into this delicious list!

What Sauce Goes with Camembert

What Sauce Goes with Camembert?

There are many different types of sauces that go well with Camembert. Some classic choices include honey, fig jam, and cranberry sauce. If you want something a little bit more savory, you can try pairing Camembert with chutney, pesto, or tapenade.

Still looking for ideas?

Then just keep scrolling!

Here are 11 sauces that go with camembert:

1. Balsamic Reduction

Intense and sweet, balsamic reduction is the perfect sauce to drizzle over a rich and creamy camembert.

This dish is best served as an appetizer or light main course.

To make balsamic reduction, simply simmer balsamic vinegar in a pan until it has reduced by half.

This process intensifies the flavor and makes it much sweeter.

Once the sauce has cooled, drizzle it over your camembert and enjoy!

2. Honey Mustard

If you’re in need of a family-friendly sauce to pair with your camembert, look no further than honey mustard.

This sweet and tangy sauce is easy to make and can be used as a dipping sauce or a spread.

Try serving the sauce on the side for dipping, or use it to top some crackers or baguette slices for an appetizer.

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The smooth texture of camembert pairs perfectly with the creamy honey mustard sauce.

3. Cranberry Sauce

This one is a classic, and for good reason.

The sharpness of the cranberry sauce cuts through the richness of the camembert perfectly.

You can either get a good quality store-bought cranberry sauce, or make your own at home.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can even make a cranberry compote by simmering fresh or frozen cranberries with some sugar and orange juice until they break down and form a thick jam.

Serve the sauce alongside some camembert on a cheese board with some crackers, baguette slices, or fruit.

4. Fig Jam

Although not technically a sauce, fig jam is a wonderful accompaniment to camembert.

The sweetness of the jam pairs perfectly with the rich, creamy flavor of the cheese.

You can serve them together on a charcuterie board with some crackers or baguette slices.

Or, if you want something a little more decadent, you can use the fig jam as a topping for grilled camembert.

Simply place a slice of camembert on a piece of foil, top with fig jam, and grill for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

5. Mango Chutney

Mango chutney is tangy, sweet, and slightly spicy all at the same time, making it the perfect condiment for rich and creamy camembert cheese.

The sweetness of the mango pairs perfectly with the savory flavor of the camembert, while the heat from the chutney cuts through the richness of the cheese.

You can serve mango chutney and camembert as an appetizer by spreading some chutney on crackers or bread and topping it with a slice of camembert.

Or, if you’re feeling fancy, you can use them both in a grilled cheese sandwich for a delicious twist on a classic.

6. Pesto

Pesto has a strong and bold flavor that can really stand up to the rich and creamy taste of camembert.

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You can use pesto as a dip for camembert or even mix it into the cheese itself.

Pesto is also a great way to add some extra flavor to a simple cracker or baguette slice.

If you want to get really creative, you could even use pesto in place of tomato sauce in a grilled cheese sandwich with camembert.

7. Sun-Dried Tomato Tapenade

Why not try something unique and serve camembert with a sun-dried tomato tapenade?

The sweet and savory flavors of the tapenade will perfectly complement the creamy and rich camembert.

You can either spread the tapenade on top of the camembert or use it as a dipping sauce.

If you want to get really creative, try grilling or broiling the camembert for a few minutes until it is slightly melted and bubbly.

Serve it with the tapenade on top and some crusty bread on the side for an irresistible appetizer or light meal.

8. Olive Tapenade

I loves olives.

These little fruits are intensely flavorful and can be used in a variety of dishes.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy olives is in a tapenade.

A tapenade is a sauce or spread made from olives, capers, and olive oil.

It’s perfect for dipping bread into or spreading on crackers.

I also love to use it as a condiment for meats and vegetables.

Camembert is a type of French cheese that is soft, creamy, and slightly sour.

It pairs perfectly with the salty, briny flavors of olive tapenade.

Try serving camembert with some crusty bread and olive tapenade as an appetizer or snack.

You could also use the tapenade as a condiment for grilled chicken or fish.

9. Caramel Sauce

Camembert is a soft, creamy cheese that pairs perfectly with a sweet, sticky caramel sauce.

Try it for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.

The two flavors complement each other perfectly.

There are many ways to enjoy this pairing.

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You could drizzle the caramel sauce over slices of camembert and serve them as part of a cheese plate.

Or, if you’re feeling really indulgent, you could dip whole pieces of camembert in the sauce and then bake them until they’re gooey and golden brown.

Serve with some crusty bread for dipping and you’ve got yourself a real treat!

10. Honey

If you have some honey lying around, you should definitely try it as a dipping sauce for camembert!

The sweetness of the honey brings out the creaminess of the cheese and they complement each other perfectly.

You can also drizzle some honey on top of the camembert before baking it.

This will give the cheese a lovely crust and make it even more delicious.

Serve your baked camembert with some crusty bread and enjoy!

11. Raspberry Sauce

This beautiful red sauce is not only incredibly easy to make, but it also pairs perfectly with camembert.

All you need is some fresh or frozen raspberries, sugar, and a bit of lemon juice.

Simply simmer the raspberries with sugar and lemon juice until the sauce has thickened and then let it cool.

Once it’s cooled, pour it over your camembert and enjoy!

You can also serve the raspberry sauce on the side so that everyone can choose how much they want on their cheese.

what sauce goes with baked camembert

What Sauce Goes with Camembert? (11 Sauces)

Camembert is a delicious cheese than can be served in many ways.
In this post, 11 different sauces are suggested to go with Camembert.
These sauces can help to bring out the flavor of the cheese and make it even more delicious.
Try out these sauces next time you have Camembert and see which one you like the best.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Cheese, Sauce
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 377 kcal


  • Balsamic Reduction
  • Honey Mustard
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Fig Jam
  • Mango Chutney
  • Pesto
  • Sun-Dried Tomato Tapenade
  • Olive Tapenade
  • Caramel Sauce
  • Honey
  • Raspberry Sauce


  • Pick any sauce from this list to serve with your cheese.
  • Prepare the ingredients according to the recipe.
  • Enjoy in no time!
Keyword What Sauce Goes with Camembert