The 8 Best Substitutes for Angelica Root

If you’re looking for a substitute for angelica root in your cooking, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’m going to share the 8 best alternatives to angelica root that you can use in your favorite recipes.

Each of these substitutes has its own unique flavor and texture, so you’ll be sure to find something that works for you.

What is Angelica Root?

Angelica root, also known as Angelica archangelica or holy ghost, is a common spice used in cooking.

It has a sweet, earthy flavor that is often compared to celery and parsley.

Originally native to Europe and Asia, it can now be found all over the world.

In cooking, angelica root adds a unique depth of flavor and aroma to many dishes.

It pairs well with other spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and ginger.

Angelica root can be used in both sweet and savory recipes such as soups, stews, sauces and desserts.

It’s also commonly used in herbal tea blends for its health benefits including reducing inflammation and aiding digestion.

The 8 Best Substitutes for Angelica Root

Angelica root is a popular ingredient in many recipes, but it can be hard to find.

Fortunately, there are several substitutes that can be used for this unique flavor.

Here are eight of the best substitutes for angelica root:

1. Fennel

Fennel bulb

Fennel is a flowering plant of the carrot family, and it has a similar flavor to that of celery.

It can be used as an alternative to angelica root in many recipes.

Fennel seeds are especially useful for providing the same licorice-like flavor as angelica root without having to buy or store the actual root.

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Fennel bulbs can also be cooked and eaten like celery, but their taste is much more intense and aromatic than regular celery stalks.

Fennel leaves are often used fresh in salads or cooked like spinach, adding a unique flavor to dishes.

If you’re out of angelica root, fennel is an excellent substitute! It will provide your dish with a similar licorice-like flavor while still allowing you to experiment with different flavors and textures.

2. Anise

Anise seeds

Anise, also called aniseed, is a licorice-flavored spice that can be used as a substitute for angelica root.

It has similar medicinal properties and can help treat digestive issues, such as indigestion and bloating.

Additionally, its strong flavor makes it a great addition to recipes like cookies or cakes where angelica root would normally be used.

To use anise as a substitute for angelica root, simply add the same amount of ground anise seed to your recipe.

3. Coriander Root

Coriander Root

Coriander has a milder flavor than angelica but still provides an earthy base note to dishes.

It can be found in many grocery stores, usually sold with its leaves attached.

When using coriander as a substitute for angelica, use twice as much since it’s not quite as strong in flavor.

Additionally, you may need to add some additional spices or herbs to make up for the missing flavors from the angelica root.

4. Caraway

Caraway Seed

Caraway, also known as meridian fennel or Persian cumin, is a spice that has been used in many cultures for centuries.

It has an earthy flavor with hints of anise and citrus.

Caraway can be used as a substitute for angelica root in recipes that call for it.

The flavor will not be exactly the same but it will still provide a similar depth of flavor to your dish.

To use caraway as a substitute, use half the amount called for in the recipe and add more if needed to achieve the desired taste.

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Caraway can be found at most grocery stores or online retailers.

5. Celery Seed

Celery Seed

Celery seed is a spice used in salads, soups and sauces as a substitute for the flavor of angelica root.

It has a mild celery flavor that can be added to dishes without overpowering them.

Celery seed is available in both ground and whole forms.

The ground form is more commonly used and it has a stronger flavor than the whole form.

Ground celery seed should be stored in an airtight container away from heat and light to preserve its freshness.

When using celery seed as a substitute for angelica root, start with half the amount of angelica root called for in the recipe and adjust to taste.

Celery seed pairs well with other herbs such as parsley, thyme, oregano, marjoram and basil so feel free to add these herbs when substituting celery seed for angelica root.

6. Dill


Dill seeds are easily found in most grocery stores and can be used as a substitute for angelica root.

Dill has a milder flavor than angelica root, so you may need to use more of it.

It is best used when crushed or ground before adding to dishes.

It adds an earthy flavor that pairs well with fish and other seafood dishes, as well as pickles and salads.

To get the most out of dill’s flavor, add it towards the end of cooking time or sprinkle it over finished dishes just before serving.

7. Parsley


Parsley, or garden parsley, is a common herb used in cooking all over the world.

It’s a member of the Apiaceae family and is related to celery, carrot, and other plants.

Parsley has been used for centuries as both an edible garnish and a medicinal herb.

It can be found fresh at most grocery stores year-round.

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Parsley can also be dried or frozen for longer storage times.

When using it as a substitute for angelica root powder, use about two teaspoons of dried parsley per tablespoon of angelica root called for in the recipe.

Parsley adds an earthy flavor to dishes that angelica root would normally provide but won’t have quite as much sweetness or licorice flavor as angelica root does.

If you’re looking to replicate the flavor more closely, consider adding some fennel seed which will bring out those flavors more prominently than just using parsley alone.

8. Cumin


Cumin is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native to southwestern Asia.

It has been used as an ingredient in many dishes for centuries and is now widely available throughout the world.

Cumin has a strong, earthy flavor that can be used as a substitute for angelica root.

When substituting cumin for angelica root, use half the amount of cumin called for in your recipe.

For example, if the recipe calls for one teaspoon of angelica root, you would use only half a teaspoon of cumin instead.

Cumin also works well when added to soups or stews where it will add an extra layer of flavor without overpowering other ingredients.

Additionally, cumin pairs nicely with vegetables such as carrots and potatoes and can also be added to vegetarian dishes like lentil chili or roasted cauliflower curry.

Cumin seeds

The 8 Best Substitutes for Angelica Root

What if you're out of angelica root or can't find it in your local grocery store? Don't worry – I've got you covered. In this article, I'm sharing my top 8 substitutes for angelica root. I'll explain why each one works, and provide tips on how to use them to make your dishes as delicious as possible.
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 4 minutes
Total Time 8 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 55 kcal


  • Fennel
  • Anise
  • Coriander Root
  • Caraway
  • Celery Seed
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Cumin


  • Pick your favorite substitute from this list.
  • Prepare the rest of your meal.
  • Enjoy in no time!