What Cheese Goes with Curry Chicken? (9 Cheeses)

Are you in search of the perfect cheese to pair with your curry chicken?

From brie to blue cheese, we’ve got you covered.

What Cheese Goes with Curry Chicken

Curry chicken is a classic Indian dish that is loved all over the world.

It’s a spicy and flavorful dish that can be enjoyed with rice and naan bread, or even over some crispy chickpeas.

But pairing it with the right cheese is essential for an amazing meal.

Here are 9 cheeses that will bring out the best in your curry chicken.

Each cheese has its own unique flavor and texture that will complement the spices in your curry perfectly.

So whether you’re cooking up a batch of this delicious Indian dish or just looking for a new dinner idea, these 9 cheeses are sure to be a hit!

Why Consider Pairing Curry Chicken with Cheese?

Curry Chicken

Curry chicken is a popular dish that can be paired with a variety of different side dishes.

One reason to consider pairing curry chicken with cheese is because of the complementary flavors.

Cheese and curry go great together, and the addition of cheese to the dish helps to amplify the flavor of the curry.

Another reason to pair curry chicken with cheese is because it provides a means to add protein to a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Pairing curry chicken with cheese also allows you to change up your typical meal routine.

Instead of eating rice or bread, you can enjoy cheese as a side dish with your meal.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to pairing curry chicken with cheese, but one thing is for sure: it’s sure to be delicious!

What Cheese Goes with Curry Chicken?

Curry chicken pairs well with a variety of cheeses, such as cheddar, mozzarella, or even goat cheese. The key is to choose a cheese that will complement the spices in the curry, without overwhelming the dish.

For a milder curry, cheddar or mozzarella would be a good choice. For a spicier curry, goat cheese or even blue cheese would be a good option.


For even more ideas, keep scrolling!

1. Feta


Not only does feta cheese go well with curry chicken, but it also elevates the dish to a whole new level.

The key is to use a high-quality feta that has a tangy, rich and slightly salty flavor.

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This will help to balance out the spiciness of the curry and create a more complex and well-rounded dish.

In addition to feta, you can also add other cheeses to the mix such as cheddar, mozzarella or even goat cheese.

These will all help to create a more robust flavor profile.

You can also add in some additional ingredients such as diced tomatoes, chopped onion or even green peppers.

For side dishes, rice and naan bread are always a good option.

But you could also try something different like roasted potatoes or a simple salad.

No matter what you choose, the important thing is to enjoy your creation!

2. Cheddar

Cheddar Cheese

Because cheddar cheese has a sharp, pungent flavor, it goes well with curry chicken.

Other ingredients that go well with curry chicken and cheddar cheese include: onion, green bell pepper, garlic, ginger, and tomato.

Side dishes that would go well with this meal include: basmati rice, naan bread, and/or mango chutney.

For dessert, try a slice of carrot cake or a cup of chai tea.

3. Parmesan


We like this cheese due to its fruity and nutty taste.

When it comes to parmesan, there are a few ways you can use it.

You can grate it over the top of your curry chicken for added flavor, or you can melt it and use it as a sauce.

If you want to get really creative, you could even make a cheese ball using parmesan and curry chicken as your main ingredients.

If you’re looking for other ingredients to add to your curry chicken and parmesan cheese dish, consider adding some chopped onions, green peppers, and garlic.

You could also add some chopped tomatoes or pineapple for sweetness.

And of course, don’t forget the curry powder and cumin to really give it that authentic flavor.

For side dishes, rice goes well with curry chicken, or you could try something different like quinoa or couscous.

And for a bit of crunch, you could add chopped nuts or seeds.

So there you have it, a delicious and easy way to enjoy curry chicken with parmesan cheese.

Bon appetit!

4. Swiss

Swiss Cheese

For a sweet and mild curry chicken, Swiss cheese is the perfect addition.

The nutty flavor of the cheese pairs well with the spices in the curry, and the creaminess of the cheese helps to balance out the heat.

To make this dish, simply cook your curry chicken as usual, and then top it with Swiss cheese.

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You can also add other ingredients to the mix, such as chopped onion, green peppers, or even raisins.

For side dishes to pair with this sweet and mild curry chicken, try basmati rice, naan bread, or even a simple salad.

And if you want to add a bit more heat to the dish, you can always top it with a bit of hot sauce or chili flakes.

No matter what, this dish is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.

5. Gouda


Did you know that gouda cheese goes excellently with curry chicken?

The rich and nutty taste of the gouda cheese pairs perfectly with the spiciness of the curry chicken, and the two flavors compliment each other perfectly.

If you’re looking for a dish that is both flavorful and filling, then this is the perfect meal for you.

To make this dish, simply cook your curry chicken according to your recipe or favorite recipe.

Once the chicken is cooked, add in cubed gouda cheese and stir until the cheese is melted and well combined.

Serve over rice or with naan bread and enjoy!

If you want to add a bit more flavor to your dish, you can also add in some chopped onion, green bell pepper, or even some raisins.

Whatever you choose to add, this dish is sure to be a hit with everyone who tries it.

So go ahead and give it a try, you won’t be disappointed!

6. Brie


Yes, a mild and buttery cheese like Brie goes great with curry chicken.

The creaminess of the cheese helps to cut the spiciness of the curry, and the two flavors complement each other perfectly.

You can also add other ingredients to the mix, such as chopped onions, green peppers, and broccoli.

This will make a delicious and healthy meal that the whole family will enjoy.

For side dishes to go with your curry chicken and Brie, you can serve rice, naan bread, or even a simple salad.

This meal is sure to please everyone at the table, and it is a great way to use up leftover chicken.

So, the next time you are looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy chicken, be sure to try curry chicken with Brie cheese.

7. Camembert


Camembert, with its fruity and milky flavors, is the perfect cheese for this dish.

To start, simply cook your curry chicken as you normally would.

Once it’s finished, top it with crumbled Camembert cheese and let it melt into the dish.

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The cheese will add a creamy richness that takes the dish to the next level.

If you want, you can also add some chopped green onions or cilantro for a bit of freshness.

Serve over steamed rice and enjoy!

For side dishes, try serving sautéed greens or a simple salad.

And, of course, don’t forget the naan bread to soak up all the deliciousness!

8. Roquefort


Although this cheese looks unassuming, its sharp, tangy, and salty flavor make it the perfect partner for curry chicken.

When pairing these two dishes, be sure to use a milder curry powder so that the Roquefort doesn’t overwhelm the dish.

You can also add other ingredients to the mix, such as green onions, diced tomatoes, and cilantro.

Serve over steamed rice for a complete meal.

For side dishes, we would recommend either a simple green salad or some sauteed vegetables.

The green salad will help to balance out the richness of the cheese, while the sauteed vegetables will complement the spices in the curry chicken.

9. Chevre


This mild, buttery cheese is the perfect balance to the spice of curry chicken.

Chevre also has a similar color to cream cheese, making it a great choice for a creamy sauce.

To use these foods together, simply add some of the cheese to the chicken curry dish.

You can also add other ingredients such as onion, garlic, or even green peppers to the mix.

For some sides to round out the meal, why not try serving up some basmati rice and naan bread?

And for a bit of sweetness, you could add a side of mango chutney.

And for dessert, why not go for something traditional like Gulab Jamun?

These Indian donuts are soaked in a syrup made of sugar, water, and rose water, and they are the perfect way to end a curry-based meal.

Curry Chicken

What Cheese Goes with Curry Chicken? (9 Cheeses)

It's not just about the taste—it's about the texture.
Cheese and chicken are both soft, creamy foods that have a similar consistency. When you stir them together in your mouth, they become one delicious, smooth combination that is simply impossible to resist.
If you've never tried pairing cheese with curry chicken before, don't wait any longer! It's an excellent idea!
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 2 minutes
Course Cheese
Cuisine American, Indian
Servings 4 people
Calories 391 kcal


  • Feta
  • Cheddar
  • Parmesan
  • Swiss
  • Gouda
  • Brie
  • Camembert
  • Roquefort
  • Chevre


  • Pick your favorite cheese from this list to use in your chicken dish.
  • Prepare the rest of your ingredients.
  • Enjoy your delicious meal in no time!
Keyword What Cheese Goes with Curry Chicken